Via Zimbo.com
MLS Transfers: Hey Jack, I know you've done a few interviews since the trade but the real question is this, did you see yourself growing under Hackworth's system?
McInerney: I definitely think I was getting better there with the coaches and players present, but at the end of the day I wasn't gonna be the best I canunder the system they were trying to establish.
MLS Transfers: A lot of talk about learning from Di Vaio which may be true but how will that effect your playing time this year?
McInerney: A question I'm still asking myself. right now I just have to assume they wanted me for a reason and that it's an immediate impact. No pun intended. (laughs)
MLS Transfers: Again, you were asked about Europe in recent interviews, what would happen if you didn't get the playing time you wanted in Montreal? Would Europe be an option or a move to another (MLS) team?
McInerney: Obviously I wouldn't be very happy. Either way if I don;t start right away or am in and out of the lineup, I understand it is a long season. I also can't expect play if I am not performing. If something comes along later or if the club wants to move me, I am open to it. But right now, I am happy here in Montreal.
MLS Transfers: I know you haven't been in Montreal long but what is different about it than Philly so far? Besides the French language...
McInerney: I think the city appreciates the team. there are only two pro sports teams here so when you turn on the TV, it's either hockey or the Impact. I tweeted out a pic in the last couple of days of me talking to press, that sums it up. Not that Philly doesn't love their team, but if you were to walk around, people would recognize and respect what you do.
MLS Transfers: If there was one last thing you could say to Hackworth, what would it be?
McInerney: Big mistake.
McInerney: I also want to clear one more thing...
MLS Transfers: Go ahead...
McInerney: Now that Montreal has announced I have one more year on my contract, the reason I said I would only redo a deal with Philly at the beginning of the year for big money is because that's what made sense. With another year there was no point of signing because what if I had a big year?Then I would be stuck with what I had when I could go bigger. they had to make it worth it to me, and that's why I said big money. Not that I thought I deserved big money though, obviously I would like it. (laughs)
MLS Transfers: Any last words to the Philly fans?
McInerney: I would just say I appreciate everything they did and I am excited to come back.
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